The Divine Miss Em
Silly Things
Me Me Me Me Me
Hall Of Shame
Spunky Darren Hayes Shrine
Poems, Song Lyrics and Intellectual-Sounding Quotes
And The Beat Goes On....
My Fave Sites
Kisses For A Few People...


Hahaha...suckers...obviously you are so bored you've sunk to the level of checking out MY website.  Honestly, if you are expecting something razzle-dazzle brilliant you are going to be pretty disappointed.

It's been stated that on this page I should say why I wanted a website to call my very own.  Well its' quite friends have webpages therefore I want one too.  And yes, if my friends jumped off a bridge just to look cool I probably would too. 


This Is ME
Lokking specially sophisticated in the library at Mt Gravatt

Don't worry guys...once I get my new computer and webcam...:)  Nude pics all around!  (I am kidding.  I wouldn't do that and don't even think about asking.  Not even for free chocolate.)

Check out my your own risk

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So I got an email from some internet violations group...I'm posting this because I have to:
I used something from so go check it out!